Kickstarter Update
We would like to issue a formal update about the Kickstarter for Flint and Feather. As you all know we have been working on getting the Kickstarter ready to go to present to our supporters. We had the preview posted last week and we have since taken it down. Thank you for all who provided feedback on the Kickstarter. However, two things came up over and over again from those who provided feedback for the Kickstarter. First, people were looking for the rules. The Flint and Feather rules are in playtesting right now. Some of you have played them at conventions. This is great and we will continue to run games such as at Little Wars on the upcoming weekend. We are scheduled to run a playtest game on Saturday night. If you are available please join us. The second thing that came up was the fact that some people only wanted one set of miniatures rather than both box sets that we were offering in the basic pledge. So we had to reconsider the Kickstarter given these two requests. After...