Campaign Turn #7 Part 2

The Attacker closes the gap while the Defender bunches up.
We concluded Campaign Turn #7 this past week.We had a Patrol scenario game. We tweaked the scenario in a few ways to get the proper feel for a Patrol. In this scenario the defender starts on the board with one group and brings the rest of his troops on the board once the attacker is spotted. The attacker for his part starts off the table and enters turn #1. The Defender must move through three patrol points in order to win the scenario. The Defender in our scenario was outmatched in terms of figure count, even though it was the second tabletop battle of the turn for the Attacker and he had wounded warriors.
In the Campaign Game you can only fight two tabletop battles in one campaign turn. Without going into too much detail, you can take a Forage Order, which is meant to be an aggressive, attacking campaign order, and if you do you can issue a challenge but still be challenged by another player who performs a Forage Order as well. This player had been an Attacker and then had been challenged by a another player so it was his second battle this turn.
The Shaman takes on Wolf Form. Figure from Reaper.
The game progressed quickly with the Attacker being very aggressive, picking up Furs Markers and moving quickly towards the Defender. The Defender for his part packed his warriors together, sent a Stripling forward to retrieve the first Patrol marker and started his Shaman into the `Create a Spell`action. In a few actions the Shaman transformed himself into a Wolf Form and charged towards the Attacking warriors. He was promptly shot by the enemy Great Warrior with the Shining Wood. The player rolled a five for the Shooting Damage and added five for the Damage value of the Shiny Wood for a total of ten. This caused a Gory Death result to the Shaman in wolf form, which promptly fell to the ground and reverted to Shaman form.
I have added some pictures of painted miniatures here. Here are some examples of two different paint jobs on the same miniatures. In each picture the figure on the left was painted by Mike Manning, and the figure on the right was painted by Dave McKay. Mike used a much darker paint job then Dave. It is interesting to see the difference a paint job can make. In the picture below Mike has put a club in the left hand of the miniature from the Accessories pack as a secondary weapon for the figure. Each painter has used a different coloring on the skin for the warriors, but both are acceptable.

Below is a picture showing a Flint and Feather figure beside some of the other models available on the market. There are two interesting things to see in this picture. First notice the size difference of the five different figures. Second, the Flint and Feather figure is a cast by itself, in that the other figures are more for later period Native Americans.

Front Rank, Warlord Games, Flint and Feather, Muskets/Tomahawks and Old Glory in order from Left to Right


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